Monday, February 6, 2012

Beowulf and British Literature Will Be The Death of Me!

As you can tell, this is not a regular hobby of mine. There's not much for me to say.. yes, i sadly live a life that boring.

I'm currently sitting in Mr. Winstead's English 12 class, waiting for the rest of the class to finish a reading quiz on Beowulf.. ahhh, kill me now. This is awful. HEAR YE, HEAR YE O MASTER YET DIVINE THY LORD ME THEE. I really can't stand this language, guys. You don't know how bad it hurts my head. I'm so glad we don't talk like that anymore. We would sound utterly stupid.

Anyway, I'll let you know when something exciting comes along. Tata for now. :)

WPON: I'm sexy and I know it.. :D

Monday, January 23, 2012

Are We There Yet?

I definitely don't do this enough to write every day, obviously. But here it is, now 2012. I graduate in a little over 4 months. Time flies, right? No kidding. My 18th birthday was 12 days ago. The only legal thing I've done since turning 18 was buy my boyfriend a pack of dip. [Sighs] I clearly am the best girlfriend ever, without a doubt. At least I love the kid. :) Okay, enough of being sappy. Now I'll rant about everything else in my life. I can't seem to find a prom dress that I'm interested in wearing this year, I just hope my boyfriend loves me enough to stay with me to go! Ha. Ha. Ha. Funny. I think I'd rather stab myself in the foot. Prom is so stressful! Okay, I'm going back to my movie.

WPON: Look down at your chest, and a little to your left.. that's where I'll always be. <3

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

i clearly just missed how to calculate MRSE on the calculator..

So, Jordan Ormond is sitting next to me looking at and Becky Jurius is playing some nonsense bear game on google plus. This is how much we get accomplished in advanced functions and modeling, aka the hellhole. I think I'm running out of things to blog on here, so if this starts to get super boring, I'm very sorry. Since the last post, nothing exciting has happened in my life. Surprised? Yeah, me either!

Today has been so boring, seriously. The softsmores (yes, I really just said that.) had to take some practice ACT test this morning so we got stuck in 2nd period for 3 hours this morning. Not that I mind, since that is the class period I get to be off campus for. Okay, gotta go. Bell is about to ring!

WPON: If he only wants you for your breasts, legs, and thighs, send him to KFC. You are not someone's value meal.

Love and Smiles,


Thursday, December 1, 2011

If you take the composition of two functions and you get x, you have inverses..


I guess I will start by saying Happy December! I think I will add a Christmas countdown at the end of my posts along with my daily WPON. (You know, witty piece of nonsense?!) Anyway, glad we got that covered. It's been a while since I've stopped paying attention in my math class to entertain the world of blogger. Since I last updated, I got to see my sister over thanksgiving break. We all know that was an adventure in it's own. Shout out to sissy, Kristine! Love you, mean it. :)

My AFM teacher definitely deserves the I SUCK AT LIFE WHEN IT COMES TO TEACHING MATH! award from me because well, gosh. Where do I even begin to explain my problems with her. It is the last six week marking period of the semester, and it's certainly safe to say that I have given up on trying to have a decent grade in this class. You know this class is terrible when I'm busting out of the seams excited about getting an 80 on my report card. I don't give a FREAKING FLIPPING FLIP if you have ten year, you don't need to be teaching anymore, lady. You need to just go make out with your cello and yell at it for crying out loud. Our poor futures are depending on you and you're balling them up and throwing them in the dumpster behind the cafeteria. Thanks but no thanks!

Okay, I have to leave.

Witty Piece of Nonsense for Today: If her age is on the clock, she's too young for your cock..

Love and Smiles,


Thursday, November 10, 2011

here goes nothin'...

So, this is day one of my blogging adventure. I give all my credit to Becky Jurius for this, as she inspired me to do so because of all my witty nonsense. (hint = title of this amazing page.) Senior year is really starting to go by way to slow. I've been accepted and have accepted my acceptance into my number one college of choice, East Carolina University. Wow, that was a lot of usage of the word "acceptance." I plan to major in nursing then continue into graduate school for nurse anesthesia. I spend most of my time now with dance team, and preparing for my senior year of softball. I was a football trainer, but due to a tragic loss in the first round, football season is now over. I am also a wrestling manager. Well, one of the like, 5 million. I can't believe it's already my senior year. I swear, yesterday I was only a little oblivious, scared, and annoying freshman. No offense, little freshmeats.. there are just wayyyyyyy too many of you crowding up the hallways. ESPECIALLY THE BUS LOBBY. MOVE! You're in my way. And please, stop making out with your boyfriend. GAG: EW. Okay, that's all for now. Hope you enjoy my blog. As this is, my random shot of trying this. :)

Witty Piece of Nonsense for Today: Don't tell a girl you miss her, if it's your fault she's gone.. <3

Love and Smiles,
