So, this is day one of my blogging adventure. I give all my credit to Becky Jurius for this, as she inspired me to do so because of all my witty nonsense. (hint = title of this amazing page.) Senior year is really starting to go by way to slow. I've been accepted and have accepted my acceptance into my number one college of choice, East Carolina University. Wow, that was a lot of usage of the word "acceptance." I plan to major in nursing then continue into graduate school for nurse anesthesia. I spend most of my time now with dance team, and preparing for my senior year of softball. I was a football trainer, but due to a tragic loss in the first round, football season is now over. I am also a wrestling manager. Well, one of the like, 5 million. I can't believe it's already my senior year. I swear, yesterday I was only a little oblivious, scared, and annoying freshman. No offense, little freshmeats.. there are just wayyyyyyy too many of you crowding up the hallways. ESPECIALLY THE BUS LOBBY. MOVE! You're in my way. And please, stop making out with your boyfriend. GAG: EW. Okay, that's all for now. Hope you enjoy my blog. As this is, my random shot of trying this. :)
Witty Piece of Nonsense for Today: Don't tell a girl you miss her, if it's your fault she's gone.. <3
Love and Smiles,